Person Details
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: New York City, New York, USA
Movie Involvements: 16
TV Involvements: 2
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
(1995) Eli Gould - Greed VictimTales from the Darkside
(1984) AngelRoswell
(1999) Santa #1The Last Boy Scout
(1991) Stadium CopBound
(1996) RoyPhiladelphia
(1993) BailiffThe Silence of the Lambs
(1991) OscarBobby
(2006) SalesmanActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2016 | Tony Lo Grasso | |
2007 | Mel | |
2006 | Salesman | |
2002 | Jennings | |
2001 | Mailman | |
1999 | Santa #1 | |
1998 | Father 'Actor' | |
1996 | Roy | |
1995 | Hotel security guard | |
Eli Gould - Greed Victim | ||
1993 | Bailiff | |
1991 | Stadium Cop | |
Oscar | ||
1989 | Gene | |
1988 | Goodwill Executive | |
1984 | Truck Driver | |
Angel | ||
M.P. at Embarkation | ||
1981 | Izzy (voice) | |
1980 | Go-Go Club Owner #1 | |
1979 | Soundman | |
1975 | Kook | |
1974 | Benson's Guard | |
Unlikely | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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